Turn your Board into your most powerful referral engine

A content rich, data driven approach to growing high quality referred prospects.
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Image of board member on a project page

How the process works

1. Match with a program: Board Champions are able to select programs that speak to their interests directly

The Board Champion can either select one of the programs that have been onboarded, or select a new one. Matching your Board Champion with a program that speaks directly to their passion makes sharing a natural and enjoyable activity.
An image of the projects listing and project page
Image of network mapping and Kernls AI builder

2. Build outreach: Board Champions select who they want to share with the help of Network Mapping

Kernls’ partner, WealthQuotient, can prepare a review of all your public connections that will be delivered to you. Reviewing a list of suggested contacts can be an interesting and effective way to jump start your list for sharing.

3. Share: Board Champions start sharing with their community

Champions can either choose to manage directly on the platform, or delegate to your nonprofit or otherwise. The platform includes AI enabled content creation tools that makes crafting and sending professional quality, personalized emails easy.

Their contacts will receive direct and concise updates on the program you selected.
Image of AI generated Email
Image of data analytics

4. Collect insights: Target prospects based on demonstrated interest and intent

As the Board Champions contacts engage with emails, project assets and updates Kernls delivers this data back to your fundraisers. This puts you in charge to coordinate with your Board Champion and focus on converting prospects that have demonstrated interest in your programs.

Arm your board with content and your fundraisers with data

Image of flow chart of the process